
Friday, 28 July 2017

Simple Machines

Jenascia 26/07/17

Simple Machine Activity

Activity 1
List 10 electrical appliances we use in our everyday life.
- Toaster
- Microwave
- Refrigerator
- Vacuum
- Kettle
- Television
- Blender
- Washing machine/ dryer
- Oven/stove

Activity 2
How would our lives be different without electricity?
Well if there was no electricity we would miss out on a lot of things and we wouldn’t be able to do things we normally do on a regular basis. It would also be difficult to cope knowing that you wouldn’t be able to cook food, wash clothes and have strong light during the night.

Activity 3
What sort of activities would be impossible without electricity?
If there was no electricity we would miss out on a lot of activities. Some of those activities include not going online, cooking food, watching television, washing clothes and much more

Activity 4
Where does New Zealand get its electricity from?
New Zealand gets its electricity from energy sources such as hydropower and wind energy.

Activity 5
Why is burning fossil fuels to generate electricity a problem?
When fossil fuels are burned it releases carbon dioxide into the air which can cause a major problem especially to people because it can cause

Activity 6
How can we get electricity without harming the planet?
By solar powers , hydropowers and geothermal power .


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