
Thursday, 13 April 2017

Omaru Creek

Factors influencing stream health

  • Dissolved oxygen
  • Nitrate
  • Phosphorous
  • Bacteria
  • Ph
  • Turbidity
  • Temperature
  • Salinity
  • Flow Rate

These are all the factors that are currently influencing our streams health.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Te Oro Game

Today during school each of the classes got the chance to go to our school library and look at all of the displays each class made for Te Oro. Everyone got to see the amazing artwork that students created for their display. They were also able to play some games that we created about Omaru creek. The game I created was very simple and all you had to do was drag each picture into the correct box.

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Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Omaru creek Message

This is my message I created for our Omaru Creek Display. My message is extremely important because we all want and need a healthy stream. If we do the right thing and not put rubbish down our drains we will be able to make Omaru creek clean again.

Omaru Creek

During Class I have created my own story about Omaru creek. In my story there are 3 characters that are all upset because there home is in bad condition. I thought this work was very exciting because I was able to create my own characters and have fun writing the story as well.

Monday, 10 April 2017


Importance of a dragonfly

Dragonflies are very important creatures . They are usually found living inside of a creek or stream.They have a very important role to keep the stream or creek stay safe and healthy for all the creatures that are living inside of it.

Dragonflies mostly feed on mosquitoes but they like other insects as well. They also have some enemies, Birds can catch and eat adult dragonflies while frogs eat them them as well. Dragonflies are able to protect themselves from any harm. Because they have excellent eyesight, it allows them to be alert when a predator is coming there way so they are able to fly as quickly as possible to get out of danger.

Because dragonflies mostly spend their time around creeks and streams they are most likely to be eaten by things that are inside creek such as an eel. If they are eaten then the dragonflies won’t be able to keep the stream healthy and it will pollute the creek which is not good for all the creatures living inside the creek. Dragonflies also need a safe healthy place to live, so if the stream or creek is not in a healthy condition then this wouldn’t be good for them to live in.

So as a result you now know that dragonflies aren't just normal creatures that hang around. But they are important ones that keep creeks like omaru creek safe not just for everyone living around it but for the living things that are inside of it.

Things that pollute our creeks

  • Rubbish
  • Chemicals
  • Sewage
  • Waste
  • Cans
  • Paper

These are some of the things that can pollute our creeks. To prevent these things from entering any creeks we must think before we put things like fat down our drains. We must also put our litter in the bin because if we throw it on the ground it might end up in the creek. As you can see these photos of Omaru creek show rubbish inside of it. You can also see how dirty and unsafe the water looks.

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Sewing Class

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Today in Sewing class I have been making my pattern for my cushion cover. So far I have been measuring my fabric to make it the perfect size. Once I have made both of my patterns the right size I will then sew them together on the dotted line. After all that I will finally be able to put the pillow inside the fabric so that it will look very nice.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Te Oro Display

Screenshot 2017-04-06 at 16.34.23.png
Jenascia 6/04/17

Omaru Creek Display

During the first few weeks of term 1, Room 7 has been working on a display to show at Te Oro. As you can see, my friends and I decided to make a paper mache model that looked just like the Omaru creek. It was extremely exciting doing this work because we also got to add in some dragonflies, Which we made to make it look sharp.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Fraction Game

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In this game I was given different kinds of fractions. When I was given the fraction I then had to put it together with the fraction that was equivalent to it. I found this game challenging and fun at the same time because at first it was easy for me but as I kept playing, it got even harder. When I completed this game I managed to get most of them correct. I only made two mistakes while playing this, but I was okay with it.